책장넘기는 flash 소스
2009. 11. 14. 00:04
_level0.pagesAbs = this;
// Set page dimensions
var pageWi = 727/2;
var PageHi = 451;
var pageWiHi = pageWi+pageHi;
var pivotY = pageHi/2+pageWi;
var pageColor = 0xFFFFE5;
// "dir" equals either 1 or -1 and determines if you
// are flipping forward or backward through the book
var dir = 1;
// "flipPage" is the # "between" the two flipping page #'s
var flipPage = 1.5;
// "curPage" is the # between the two currently viewed page #'s
var curPage = .5;
// "maxPages" should be an even number
var maxPages = 8;
// "autoStep" percentage of page width determining step size when auto-closing
var autoStep = .05;
// "dragging" is true if you are dragging the page
var dragging = false
//________________________________R U N O N C E
// Place Left and Right page flip Buttons
this.attachMovie ("cornerButton", "RButton", 11);
with (RButton) {
_x = pageWi;
_y = -pageWi;
this.attachMovie ("cornerButton", "LButton", 12);
with (LButton) {
_x = -pageWi;
_y = -pageWi;
_xscale = -100;
// Build pages for first time
pageInit (flipPage, dir);
// Drop down to appear centered
// _____________________B U I L D F U N C T I O N S
// Create a left-aligned page-sized solid fill raised one pagewidth
function makePage (targ, xQuadrant) {
with (targ) {
beginFill(pageColor, 100);
moveto(0, -pageWi);
lineto(0, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWi);
// Create a left-aligned page-sized shadow gradient raised one pagewidth
// Shade is used to add depth to stationary pages
function makeShade (targ, xQuadrant) {
with (targ) {
// Defines gradient used as shadow overlay
var colors = [0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000];
var alphas = [ 40, 25, 15, 5, 0, 1, 6];
var ratios = [ 0, 1, 17, 51, 89, 132, 255];
var matrix = { matrixType:"box", x:0, y:pageWi, w:xQuadrant*pageWi, h:pageHi, r:0};
beginGradientFill( "linear", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix );
moveto(0, -pageWi);
lineto(0, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWi);
// create a bottom-left aligned shadow gradient
// for animated shadows
function makeShadow (targ, xQuadrant) {
with (targ) {
// Defines gradient used as shadow overlay
var colors = [0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000];
var alphas = [ 40, 25, 15, 5, 0, 1, 6];
var ratios = [ 0, 1, 17, 51, 89, 132, 255];
var maxLength = Math.sqrt((pageWi*pageWi)+(pageWIHi*pageWiHi));
var matrix = { matrixType:"box", x:0, y:-maxLength, w:xQuadrant*pageWi, h:maxLength-pageWi, r:0};
beginGradientFill( "linear", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix );
moveto(0, -pageWi);
lineto(0, -maxLength);
lineto(xQuadrant*pageWi, -maxLength);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWi);
// Place Stationary Pages
function setStationary() {
// Place the "S"tationary "L"eft "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("SLPage", 1);
if (flipPage!=1.5) {
makePage (SLPage, -1)
SLPage.attachMovie("print"+(flipPage-1.5), "Print", 1);
with (SLPage.Print) {
_x = -pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
// Place the "S"tationary "R"ight "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("SRPage", 2);
if (flipPage!=maxPages-.5){
makePage (SRPage, 1)
SRPage.attachMovie("print"+(flipPage+1.5), "Print", 1);
with (SRPage.Print) {
_x = pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
// Place shade on page not being revealed
var targ = dir>0 ? SLPage : SRPage;
targ.createEmptyMovieClip("Shade", 2);
makeShade(targ.Shade, -dir);
// Place the Flipping Pages
function setFlipping() {
var targ;
// Place the "F"lipping "T"op "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("FTPage", 3);
makePage (FTPage, dir)
with (FTPage) {
attachMovie("print"+(flipPage-dir*.5), "Print", 1);
with (Print) {
_x = dir*pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
FTPage.createEmptyMovieClip("Shade", 2);
makeShade(FTPage.Shade, dir);
// Place the "F"lipping "B"ottom "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("FBPage", 4);
makePage (FBPage, -dir)
FBPage.attachMovie("print"+(flipPage+dir*.5), "Print", 1);
with (FBPage.Print) {
_x = -dir*pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
FBPage._rotation = dir*90;
// Creates Shadows which follow edge of transition
function setShadows() {
var targ;
// Place shadow on the "F"lipping page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FShadow", 5);
makeShadow(FShadow, -dir);
FShadow._rotation = dir*45;
// Place shadow on the "S"tationary page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("SShadow", 6);
makeShadow(SShadow, dir);
SShadow._rotation = dir*45;
// Create Masks to hide everything
function makeMasks() {
// Create mask for Flipping Bottom Page Mask
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FBPageMask", 7);
with (FBPageMask) {
beginFill(0x005500, 100);
lineto(pageWiHi, -PageWiHi);
curveto(0, -2*PageWiHi, -pageWiHi, -pageWiHi);
// Create mask for Flipping Top Page
FBPageMask.duplicateMovieClip("FTPageMask", 8);
// Create mask for Shadow on the Flipping Page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FShadowMask", 9);
makePage (FShadowMask, -dir);
FShadowMask._rotation = dir*90;
// Create mask for Shadow on Stationary Page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("SShadowMask", 10);
makePage(SShadowMask, dir);
// Hide pages before page1 and after Last Page
function limitBook () {
if (flipPage==1.5) {
SLPage._visible = 0;
LButton._visible = 0;
SShadow._visible = 0;
if (dir==1) {
FTPage.Shade._alpha = 67;
SShadow._visible = 1;
}else {
FShadow._alpha = 67;
} else if (flipPage==maxPages-.5) {
SRPage._visible = 0;
RButton._visible = 0;
SShadow._visible = 0;
if (dir==-1) {
FTPage.Shade._alpha = 67;
SShadow._visible = 1;
} else {
FShadow._alpha = 67;
// How to position all pages needed for a page flip
// calls all functions listed above
function pageInit (cp, d) {
flipPage = cp;
dir = d;
//trace ("flip page = "+flipPage+" dir = "+dir);
limitBook ();
//__________________F L I P P I N G F U N C T I O N S
// How to adjust position of flipping page
// based on a value between 0 and 1
function flip(curVal) {
var rot = dir*45*curVal;
FBPageMask._rotation = FTPageMask._rotation = -rot;
FBPage._rotation = FShadowMask._rotation = (dir*90)-rot*2;
FShadow._rotation = SShadow._rotation=(dir*45)-rot;
// how to determine position of flipping page
// returns a value between 0 and 1
// zero being no-flip and one being full-flip
function getPageRatio () {
if (dragging) {
// if dragging page position is determined by mouse position
// the 20 helps advance the turning page when the button is pressed
pageRatio = -dir*(_xmouse-startX-dir*20)/(2*pageWi);
} else {
// if not dragging; auto increment page towards final position
pageRatio>2/3 ? pageRatio += autoStep : pageRatio -= autoStep;
// if out of bounds
if (pageRatio<=0) {
pageRatio = 0;
if (!dragging) {
} else if (pageRatio>=1) {
pageRatio = 1;
if (!dragging) {
return (pageRatio);
//_____________C O N T R O L I N G F U N C T I O N S
// What to do when you press a page flipping button
function startFlip (dir) {
pageInit (curPage+dir, dir);
startX = dir*pageWi;
dragging = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
// what to do when page is released
function flipRelease () {
dragging = false;
if (pageRatio>2/3) {
// What to do when pages are done flipping
function flipDone () {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
RButton._alpha = 100;
LButton._alpha = 100;
if (curPage!=.5){
LButton._visible = 1;
if (curPage!=maxPages+.5){
RButton._visible = 1;
// Delete hidden pages to save resources
if (pageRatio==0) {
if (dir==1) {
} else {
} else {
if (dir==-1) {
} else {
// assign functions to button events
LButton.onPress = function() {
startFlip (-1);
LButton.onReleaseOutside = function () {
LButton.onRelease = function () {
RButton.onPress = function() {
startFlip (1);
RButton.onReleaseOutside = function () {
RButton.onRelease = function () {
_level0.pagesAbs = this;
// Set page dimensions
var pageWi = 727/2;
var PageHi = 451;
var pageWiHi = pageWi+pageHi;
var pivotY = pageHi/2+pageWi;
var pageColor = 0xFFFFE5;
// "dir" equals either 1 or -1 and determines if you
// are flipping forward or backward through the book
var dir = 1;
// "flipPage" is the # "between" the two flipping page #'s
var flipPage = 1.5;
// "curPage" is the # between the two currently viewed page #'s
var curPage = .5;
// "maxPages" should be an even number
var maxPages = 8;
// "autoStep" percentage of page width determining step size when auto-closing
var autoStep = .05;
// "dragging" is true if you are dragging the page
var dragging = false
//________________________________R U N O N C E
// Place Left and Right page flip Buttons
this.attachMovie ("cornerButton", "RButton", 11);
with (RButton) {
_x = pageWi;
_y = -pageWi;
this.attachMovie ("cornerButton", "LButton", 12);
with (LButton) {
_x = -pageWi;
_y = -pageWi;
_xscale = -100;
// Build pages for first time
pageInit (flipPage, dir);
// Drop down to appear centered
// _____________________B U I L D F U N C T I O N S
// Create a left-aligned page-sized solid fill raised one pagewidth
function makePage (targ, xQuadrant) {
with (targ) {
beginFill(pageColor, 100);
moveto(0, -pageWi);
lineto(0, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWi);
// Create a left-aligned page-sized shadow gradient raised one pagewidth
// Shade is used to add depth to stationary pages
function makeShade (targ, xQuadrant) {
with (targ) {
// Defines gradient used as shadow overlay
var colors = [0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000];
var alphas = [ 40, 25, 15, 5, 0, 1, 6];
var ratios = [ 0, 1, 17, 51, 89, 132, 255];
var matrix = { matrixType:"box", x:0, y:pageWi, w:xQuadrant*pageWi, h:pageHi, r:0};
beginGradientFill( "linear", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix );
moveto(0, -pageWi);
lineto(0, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWiHi);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWi);
// create a bottom-left aligned shadow gradient
// for animated shadows
function makeShadow (targ, xQuadrant) {
with (targ) {
// Defines gradient used as shadow overlay
var colors = [0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000];
var alphas = [ 40, 25, 15, 5, 0, 1, 6];
var ratios = [ 0, 1, 17, 51, 89, 132, 255];
var maxLength = Math.sqrt((pageWi*pageWi)+(pageWIHi*pageWiHi));
var matrix = { matrixType:"box", x:0, y:-maxLength, w:xQuadrant*pageWi, h:maxLength-pageWi, r:0};
beginGradientFill( "linear", colors, alphas, ratios, matrix );
moveto(0, -pageWi);
lineto(0, -maxLength);
lineto(xQuadrant*pageWi, -maxLength);
lineTo(xQuadrant*pageWi, -pageWi);
// Place Stationary Pages
function setStationary() {
// Place the "S"tationary "L"eft "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("SLPage", 1);
if (flipPage!=1.5) {
makePage (SLPage, -1)
SLPage.attachMovie("print"+(flipPage-1.5), "Print", 1);
with (SLPage.Print) {
_x = -pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
// Place the "S"tationary "R"ight "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("SRPage", 2);
if (flipPage!=maxPages-.5){
makePage (SRPage, 1)
SRPage.attachMovie("print"+(flipPage+1.5), "Print", 1);
with (SRPage.Print) {
_x = pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
// Place shade on page not being revealed
var targ = dir>0 ? SLPage : SRPage;
targ.createEmptyMovieClip("Shade", 2);
makeShade(targ.Shade, -dir);
// Place the Flipping Pages
function setFlipping() {
var targ;
// Place the "F"lipping "T"op "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("FTPage", 3);
makePage (FTPage, dir)
with (FTPage) {
attachMovie("print"+(flipPage-dir*.5), "Print", 1);
with (Print) {
_x = dir*pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
FTPage.createEmptyMovieClip("Shade", 2);
makeShade(FTPage.Shade, dir);
// Place the "F"lipping "B"ottom "P"age
createEmptyMovieClip("FBPage", 4);
makePage (FBPage, -dir)
FBPage.attachMovie("print"+(flipPage+dir*.5), "Print", 1);
with (FBPage.Print) {
_x = -dir*pageWi/2;
_y = -pivotY;
FBPage._rotation = dir*90;
// Creates Shadows which follow edge of transition
function setShadows() {
var targ;
// Place shadow on the "F"lipping page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FShadow", 5);
makeShadow(FShadow, -dir);
FShadow._rotation = dir*45;
// Place shadow on the "S"tationary page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("SShadow", 6);
makeShadow(SShadow, dir);
SShadow._rotation = dir*45;
// Create Masks to hide everything
function makeMasks() {
// Create mask for Flipping Bottom Page Mask
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FBPageMask", 7);
with (FBPageMask) {
beginFill(0x005500, 100);
lineto(pageWiHi, -PageWiHi);
curveto(0, -2*PageWiHi, -pageWiHi, -pageWiHi);
// Create mask for Flipping Top Page
FBPageMask.duplicateMovieClip("FTPageMask", 8);
// Create mask for Shadow on the Flipping Page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FShadowMask", 9);
makePage (FShadowMask, -dir);
FShadowMask._rotation = dir*90;
// Create mask for Shadow on Stationary Page
this.createEmptyMovieClip("SShadowMask", 10);
makePage(SShadowMask, dir);
// Hide pages before page1 and after Last Page
function limitBook () {
if (flipPage==1.5) {
SLPage._visible = 0;
LButton._visible = 0;
SShadow._visible = 0;
if (dir==1) {
FTPage.Shade._alpha = 67;
SShadow._visible = 1;
}else {
FShadow._alpha = 67;
} else if (flipPage==maxPages-.5) {
SRPage._visible = 0;
RButton._visible = 0;
SShadow._visible = 0;
if (dir==-1) {
FTPage.Shade._alpha = 67;
SShadow._visible = 1;
} else {
FShadow._alpha = 67;
// How to position all pages needed for a page flip
// calls all functions listed above
function pageInit (cp, d) {
flipPage = cp;
dir = d;
//trace ("flip page = "+flipPage+" dir = "+dir);
limitBook ();
//__________________F L I P P I N G F U N C T I O N S
// How to adjust position of flipping page
// based on a value between 0 and 1
function flip(curVal) {
var rot = dir*45*curVal;
FBPageMask._rotation = FTPageMask._rotation = -rot;
FBPage._rotation = FShadowMask._rotation = (dir*90)-rot*2;
FShadow._rotation = SShadow._rotation=(dir*45)-rot;
// how to determine position of flipping page
// returns a value between 0 and 1
// zero being no-flip and one being full-flip
function getPageRatio () {
if (dragging) {
// if dragging page position is determined by mouse position
// the 20 helps advance the turning page when the button is pressed
pageRatio = -dir*(_xmouse-startX-dir*20)/(2*pageWi);
} else {
// if not dragging; auto increment page towards final position
pageRatio>2/3 ? pageRatio += autoStep : pageRatio -= autoStep;
// if out of bounds
if (pageRatio<=0) {
pageRatio = 0;
if (!dragging) {
} else if (pageRatio>=1) {
pageRatio = 1;
if (!dragging) {
return (pageRatio);
//_____________C O N T R O L I N G F U N C T I O N S
// What to do when you press a page flipping button
function startFlip (dir) {
pageInit (curPage+dir, dir);
startX = dir*pageWi;
dragging = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
// what to do when page is released
function flipRelease () {
dragging = false;
if (pageRatio>2/3) {
// What to do when pages are done flipping
function flipDone () {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
RButton._alpha = 100;
LButton._alpha = 100;
if (curPage!=.5){
LButton._visible = 1;
if (curPage!=maxPages+.5){
RButton._visible = 1;
// Delete hidden pages to save resources
if (pageRatio==0) {
if (dir==1) {
} else {
} else {
if (dir==-1) {
} else {
// assign functions to button events
LButton.onPress = function() {
startFlip (-1);
LButton.onReleaseOutside = function () {
LButton.onRelease = function () {
RButton.onPress = function() {
startFlip (1);
RButton.onReleaseOutside = function () {
RButton.onRelease = function () {